Jewel Deer


This guy is 23 years old. But he looks like a 14 year old boy! So cute!!!!! Sadly, he always wants to look manly but even he does manly things he still looks so cute tho (in my eyes). lol I love him. I know that he is the manliest in his group when it judges from attitude but when it judges from looks I don't think so. Sorry, Lu lu you are just too cute to exist. He is really pretty and cute but he is handsome too. Although he is cute, he has a manly personality and a warm heart that makes him cuter and more handsome in my eyes.
 Manly Time

  Cute Time

It looks like a boy trapped in a man's body. lol. Even though he doesn't do cute things like bbuing bbuing and stuff he still looks cute. Argh. When he smiles, he turned my world upside down because his smile is so sweet. You smile Sun Shines~~ And sometimes he looks prettier than girl! lol

lol he is so manly

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