Jewel Deer


This guy is 23 years old. But he looks like a 14 year old boy! So cute!!!!! Sadly, he always wants to look manly but even he does manly things he still looks so cute tho (in my eyes). lol I love him. I know that he is the manliest in his group when it judges from attitude but when it judges from looks I don't think so. Sorry, Lu lu you are just too cute to exist. He is really pretty and cute but he is handsome too. Although he is cute, he has a manly personality and a warm heart that makes him cuter and more handsome in my eyes.
 Manly Time

  Cute Time

It looks like a boy trapped in a man's body. lol. Even though he doesn't do cute things like bbuing bbuing and stuff he still looks cute. Argh. When he smiles, he turned my world upside down because his smile is so sweet. You smile Sun Shines~~ And sometimes he looks prettier than girl! lol

lol he is so manly

WHO: LuHan, his real name. It means “deer of the dawn”, and the members call him “Lu Lu”.

WHERE: Born April 20th, 1990, in Beijing, China. at Seoul Arts College studying music.

WHEN: Scouted while shopping in Myeongdong with friends in 2008. After training for 3 years, debuted as a member of EXO-M.

WHAT: Main vocal. Specialty is reactions. He’s a member who, even if he’s cut from the entire show, will stay in the corner and clap until the end. 

What People Think of LuHan
1. Other Members

Suho: "Gentle and strong, someone I can trust and communicate with well."

Kai: "He has bright eyes like a deer and a cute personality.."

Kris: "He’s really handsome when he smiles."

Xiumin: "The best partner."

Lay: "A good friend who always watches out for you."

Chanyeol: "Even though he looks like a kid, once you get to know him he’s actually a man."

Baekhyun: "Innocent and kind like a child, and at the same time is a hyung who has talent in singing, dancing, and appearance."

D.O: "Pretty boy."

Tao: "A hyung I treasure, he’s really funny."

Chen: "Absolute baby face. But is a very manly hyung."

Sehun: "Sometimes I feel like he’s pure as a child, and he’s a really good hyung."
2. His Schoolmates [Pre-Debut]

- Elementary School

"I feel like he hasn’t really changed~~ He’s been a handsome guy since elementary school."

"He was adorable even back in elementary school, fair-skinned and cute. We lost contact after graduation! Let me go look for my elementary school graduation pictures!"

"Ah, but this one for once isn’t plastic, we can all be witnesses for that."

- Middle School

 "He went to my middle school, one year older than me, that time he was already the kingka (most attractive guy at school)."

 "This is really cool, I didn’t expect that there would be a celebrity among the people I know haha"

"Don’t you know him? The guy who plays soccer really well! A year older than us! He was really popular even back then!"

- High School

"Didn’t we see him dance at the English festival? I still remember…back then everyone would say there’s a really hot kingka in high school and stuff."

"Haha, he was really famous at our school, there wasn’t a single a girl who didn’t know about him. Sadly I am just one of the many people who knew about him… not familiar with the people from the previous term."

"He was chosen already back in his last year of high school. He said he really likes TVXQ. We’d all get excited even just seeing him"

"It’s really him…he used to always play basketball outside our class, and we’d all try to spy on him through the window’s reflection~~"

3. His BestFriend [Pre-Debut]

"He’s not calculative at all (t/n: as in very generous too), and although he looks very carefree, whenever a friend has a problem or something on his mind Luhan will always notice, and help if he can." 
"Luhan doesn’t get angry easily, and never holds grudges; he has a good temper. The only time I remember him ever getting mad was during a school basketball game, some dude on the other team intentionally fouled a friend in our class, and he fell face-down on the floor and didn’t get up for a long time. Luhan and I were so mad back then but the teachers were there so people held us back.
 Back then, a lot of girls liked to treat him as a little brother, even though they weren’t necessarily older than him, maybe it’s because he looked cute? He usually didn’t hang out with the people who wanted to date him, but if you wanted to be his friend he’d never say no. Like I said before, he definitely gets shy around people he didn’t know well and he can’t refuse people, but after becoming friends he’s a funny guy."

 "He’s manly if the situation calls for it, but normally he’s really cute and pretty childish (t/n: a bit like aegyo but not the bbuing bbuing kind). But that’s only with people he’s really close to, like after we play soccer he’d grab someone’s arm, swing it back and forth and say “gege give me a bottle of water, give me give me give me” I know you guys can’t even imagine it."

"I’ve never seen that guy lie."

  "Luhan’s biggest problem is that he doesn’t think enough and trusts people too easily. He always thinks that if he treats other people well and wholeheartedly, they’ll do the same."
 "The thing is, with him you can see what a nice guy he is from even the smallest things. It doesn’t have to be anything big or earth-shattering. Back then, in our group of friends, Luhan was the youngest, and looked young too, so we all treated him as the little brother (t/n: like maknae). But he always took care of others more than he did for himself, and he was more considerate than any of us. Sometimes, looking at how he’s always pushing himself and trying to be strong, I want to punch him."

4. POP Magazine
"He stands on the line between a boy and a man. He’s cute like a boy, yet can be handsome like a man. As a man, he does not shed tears — he can’t allow himself to. The path he walks on is full of hardships, but even if he ends up with nothing, he will stay true to himself. With his heart open, Luhan lives holding firm to his morals." 

5. Kiss The Radio Staffs

"His eyes shine, his heart shines, and his face shines - our Luhan-ssi!"

"He talked enthusiastically, participated in the corners enthusiastically, and also reacted enthusiastically :) "

"He often showed us his pretty smile eyes hahaha, Luhan-ssi who’s always smiling."


The World is Mine

Today, upon a bus, I saw a very beautiful woman,
And wished I were as beautiful.
When suddenly she rose to leave,
I saw her hobble down the aisle.
She had one leg and wore a crutch.
But as she passed, she passed a smile.
Oh, Allah, forgive me when I whine.
I have two legs; the world is mine.

I stopped to buy some candy,
The lad who sold it had such charm,
I talked with him, he seemed so glad,
If I were late, it'd do no harm.
And as I left, he said to me,
"I thank you, you've been so kind.
It's nice to talk with folks like you.
You see," he said, "I'm blind."
Oh, Allah, forgive me when I whine.
I have two eyes; the world is mine.

Later while walking down the street,
I saw a child I knew.
He stood and watched the others play,
but he did not know what to do.
I stopped a moment and then I said,
"Why don't you join them dear?"
He looked ahead without a word,
I forgot, he couldn't hear.
Oh, Allah, forgive me when I whine,
I have two ears; the world is mine.

With feet to take me where I'd go,
With eyes to see the sunset's glow,
With ears to hear what I'd know.
With loving family & friends to enjoy life
Oh, Allah, forgive me when I whine,
I've been blessed indeed, the world is mine.

If this poem makes you feel thankful,
Just forward it to your friends.
After all, it's just a simple reminder that we have so much to be thankful for!
Give the gift of love.
It never comes back empty

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1.      Berikut ini adalah ciri-ciri hikayat, kecuali ….
a.       Anonim                                                     d. Lisan
b.      Khayal                                                       e. Istana sentries
c.       Logis
2.      Hikayat Amir Hamzah mendapat pengaruh dari ….
a.       Melayu asli                                                d. Sumatera
b.      Jawa                                                          e. Arab
c.       India
Bacalah sepenggal hikayat berikut ini untuk menjawab soal nomor 3 – 5
            Alkisah, ini hikayat orang dahulu kala. Diceritakan orang yang empunya cerita ini kisah pelanduk jenaka pri bijaksana pandai ia berbuat dusta segala binatang di dalam hutan rimba belantara. Demikianlah bunyinya, sekali peristiwa ada seekor pelanduk, maka ia duduk kepada suatu rimba hampir dengan Gunung Indrakila namanya disebut orang dan padang itupun … luasnya. Maka, banyaklah pada tempat itu segala binatang marga satwa sekaliannya berhimpun di sana.
3.      Judul yang sesuai untuk penggalan hikayat di atas adalah ….
a.       Hikayat Pelanduk Jenaka                          d. Hikayat Orang Dahulu Kata
b.      Hikayat Gunung Indrakila                                    e. Hikayat Seekor Binatang
c.       Hikayat Si Pendusta
4.      Penggalan hikayat di atas menggunakan sudut pandang….
a.       Orang pertama                                          d. Orang kedua
b.      Orang pertama pelaku utama                    e. Orang ketiga
c.       Orang pertama pelaku sampingan
5.      Latar tempat dari penggalan hikayat tersebut adalah….       
a.       Gunung Indrakila                                      d. Hutan rimba
b.      Padang rumput                                          e. Kebun Binatang
c.       Marga Satwa
6.      Dalam novelnya ini Agnes Davonar menekankan makna sebuah waktu dalam kehidupan  kehidupan di dunia ini. Kisah nyata gadis berusia 13 tahun bertahan hidup dari kanker ganas paling mematikan di dunia.
Paragraf tersebut merupakan kutipan dari ….
a.       Novel                                                        d. Esai            
b.      Resensi novel                                            e. Resensi cerpen
c.       Drama

7.      Perhatikan kutipan data buku berikut!
Judul : Riwayat Nabi Daud (Raja Adil Bijaksana, Nabi yang Mulia)
Pengarang : Ismail Pamungkas
Penerbit : PT Remaja Rosdakarya, Bandung
Tahun : 1995
Setelah dibaca, ternyata buku tersebut menggunakan bahasa yang mudah dipahami.
Kalimat resensi yang tepat untuk menggambarkannya adalah . . . .
a.     Isi buku ini bercerita tentang keadilan dan kebijaksanaan Nabi Daud. Daud menjadi raja sudah kehendak dari Tuhan.
b.     Bahasa yang digunakan dalam buku ini mudah dipahami dan komunikatif. Dengan demikian, pembaca dapat menikmati cerita tanpa harus berpikir keras.
c.     Selain menarik, kelebihan buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan gambar yang mendukung isi cerita sehingga mudah dimengerti.
d.     Kekurangan cerita ini hanya terletak pada kisahnya yang terlalu singkat sehingga ceritanya kurang lengkap
e.     Bahasa yang digunakan dalam buku ini cukup bisa dipahami karena banyak kata yang tidak komunikatif
8.      Bacalah penutup resensi buku berikut ini dengan saksama!
Terlepas dari berbagai ketidaksempurnaannya, harus diakui bahwa buku pertama
seorang “yogi buku” ini merupakan karya yang memikat.Bahkan cara dan gaya
pengungkapannya, dalam kadar tertentu, telah memberikan sentuhan sastra yang
cukup enak dinikmati. Kita menantikan karya berikutnya.
Sumber: Majalah Matabaca, Agustus 2002
Pernyataan yang tepat untuk penutup resensi tersebut adalah…
a.       Penutup resensi buku tersebut sangat tepat.
b.      Pada bagian penutup resensi buku seharusnya mengajak untuk membaca buku karena sangat bermanfaat.
c.       Pada bagian penutup resensi buku seharusnya mengajak pembaca untuk memikirkan, merenungkan, dan mendiskusikan lebih jauh fenomena atau problema yang muncul dalam sebuah buku.
d.      Pada bagian penutup resensi buku seharusnya memberikan informasi atau pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang apa yang tampak dan terungkap dalam sebuah buku.
e.       Pada bagian penutup resensi buku seharusnya berisi uraian tentang buku itu penting untuk siapa dan mengapa.
9.      Mereka yang memilih jawaban positif, dengan sendirinya akan mencerna Beth sebagai sebuah film alternatif yang kaya makna. Sebaliknya, bagi pemilih jawaban negatif, tak lagi perlu memaksakan diri untuk menikmatinya. Hal ini karena dari awal hingga akhir, Beth hanya mengambil satu setting : kehidupan di suatu rumah sakit jiwa.
Penggalan resensi film di atas mengemukakan....
a.       Penilaian terhadap film Beth.
b.      Film Beth yang tidak layak ditonton.
c.       Ringkasan film Beth.
d.      Jawaban atas pemutaran film Beth.
e.       Makna film Beth ditinjau dari kepentingan penonton.
10.  Kumpulan kolom dalam buku ini sekali pun tidak bersifat menggurui, memberi pelajaran cukup berarti bagi para intelektual. Buku ini membuka mata para pembaca bahwa seorang intelektual dengan segala kepandaian dan keahliannya pun tidak bisa menyatu, paling tidak kaum intelektual punya kepedulian terhadap masyarakatnya.
Penggalan resensi di atas mengungkapkan ....
a.       Kelemahan buku
b.      Keunggulan buku
c.       Garis besar isi buku
d.      Isi buku 
e.       Penilaian buku

1.      C
2.      E
3.      A
4.      E
5.      D
6.      B
7.      B
8.      E
9.      A
10.  C

Total Tayangan Halaman

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