Jewel Deer


Reading is an activity that can add someone’s knowledge about important news and new vocabulary items. There are two kinds of reading according to Ryan Thompson, a senior educator from RMIT Vietnam in Extensive Reading Workshop. They are extensive reading (ER) and intensive reading (IR). Although they are one of the skills-based approaches, they differ on some points. The paragraphs below are the detailed information about the differences between them.
Extensive Reading (ER) is a rapid reading of large quantities of material or longer reading for general understanding. The definition of it may be vary, but experts agree that ER involves reading for information or pleasure. On the other hand, intensive reading (IR) is reading in detail with specific aims and tasks. Therefore, IR is a vital skill needed to navigate difficult text. Its purpose is to finish the tasks that the teacher has asked.
From the definition, the differences can be integrated. The first one is about the form of the text which is either long or short. ER is in long text or even in the form of book because it covers large quantities of material. However, IR is the opposite. It is realized in short texts. Although IR is shorter in form, it is in more difficult level of text that needs detailed understanding than ER. It also needs to identify the main ideas and keywords on each paragraph.
The reason why people read is obviously the next distinction. For enjoyment and a part of a lifelong reading habit are the reason people read extensively. They can choose what they like to read in order to decide their own reading pace in its practice. If they do not like the book or the story, they can put it back and find the one they like. Unlike ER which the reason people read is for fun, IR is for those who want to develop their reading skills, vocabulary, and grammar knowledge controlled by the teacher or the instructor. That is one of the reasons of why IR has lower rate comprehension than ER.
The last is about what people acquire from doing these reading activities. In ER, people gain the general understanding from a text or book. They also get 2% new vocabularies because they have known the rest. Meanwhile in IR, people focus on learning to achieve their aims or tasks so that they get the detailed meaning from the text. Therefore, people can learn new languages and get new words. They can also obtain 10% new vocabularies in a short text with slower speed than in ER.
Based on the explanations above, extensive reading differs from intensive reading in definition, form, reason, and purpose. The last three are probably the integrated points from the definition. About the form, ER is longer than IR. Then, the reason why people read extensively is because of enjoyment rather than learning new things like in IR. It also shows that ER has higher comprehension level than IR. Lastly, the purpose of ER is to get the general understanding. Meanwhile IR’s purpose is to achieve the aims, gain the detailed meaning, learn something new, and obtain more vocabularies than ER.

Love is an abstract noun, so it is something that people can not describe with words. However, according to Cambridge Dictionary, love is a strong feeling of liking another person.  Then, how about you? Have you ever fallen in love? Well, most people have, but do you ever just stop a second and think about the process of falling in love? Because now is the time to know more about the science behind love. Rutgers University revealed there are 3 stages involved with falling in love. They are lust, attraction, and attachment.  Each stage involves different types of chemical reactions within the body especially the brain and hormones.
The first stage of falling in love is lust. It starts from the eyes and ear. What a person sees and hears from another person is recorded. The eyes do not just see the physical appearance but also behaviour. When it has been recorded, the human nervous system will bring the data to the brain. It will collect the data and process them. This stage is driven by the sex hormones testosterone and oestrogen in both men and women.
Attraction is the second stage of falling in love. This stage is said to be one of the beautiful moments in life. This is the stage when a person actually starts to feel the love. The individual is left with no other option but to only think about that special person. Other reaction is the bumping of heart that is like a drum. This is caused by adrenaline hormone. It drives the memory to be stored in hippocampus. Dopamine hormone is also involved in this stage to make an extreme excitement when an individual meets his or her crush. So, this stage can potray how love can change the individual’s personality and attitude reaction when meeting the special person.
The last stage is attachment, the bond that keeps couples together long enough for them to have and raise children. So, love is not just about liking another person but it also needs trust and responsibility to process into a serious relationship in the future. Furthermore, it can make a new bond, that is after the couples have and raise children. Scientists think there are two major hormones involved in this feeling of attachment, they are oxytocin and vasopressin.
From the study above, it can be concluded that love is a complex chemical reaction especially in the brain. So, it is not wrong when people say that “love is blind” because a person never knows when the brain will encounter love. It is an unavoidable feeling, a deeper feeling than just physical attraction.
“Love is a natural muse; you will puzzle over it, dream about it, and be lost in thought.”

Untuk mendapatkan beasiswa dan juga pekerjaan pastinya kalian harus punya dan mengirimkan CV kalian. Ini nih 5 CV keren yang perlu kamu coba agar lembaga yang kamu tuju tertarik padamu saat melihat CVmu. Pastinya, mereka mikir-mikir dulu jika mau menolakmu karena kreativitas dan kerja keras membuat CV itu. Well, kamu juga perlu mengisinya dengan hal-hal yang keren juga. Tapi, penampilan CV juga pastinya jadi pertimbangan. Yuk, langsung aja cek 5 CV berikut yang membuat penerima CV ragu untuk menolakmu!

1. Two-Tone Colour
 2. Creative Multi Colour Blocks
 3. High Impact Multi Colour
 4. Personal Touch
 5. Artistic Flyer

Hai sobat! Bagi anda yang ingin meneruskan pendidikan tinggi di luar negeri khususnya di benua Asia, perlu tahu nih universitas-universitas terbaik di Asia. Silahkan cek video berikut sebagai referensi :) Ini versi JKLN yaaa

Kali ini saya mau berbagi referensi belajar bahasa Inggris yang dijamin tidak mahal!! Mau? Cek situs online berikut ini:

heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey kamu

ayo ke bawah

We are from class B and the members of our group are:
1. Eka Kusuma Adianingrum
2. Ika Hidayati
3. Nada Riana
4. Siti Fatimah Ahadiah

It's a song that its original track is from BTS' I Need U. We change some of the lyrics and make it a song that will tell you about the relationship within our family, especially with our parents. In reality, we find some people that think that their parents don't love them and it makes them to hate their parents. We just want to tell you that although you hate them, you'll still love them because you're their love child and when you think that they don't love you, they actually love you more than you think they do. Sometimes we love and then we fight. And you must know that fight is one of many ways to make our bond with our parents stronger. 

The last, for your information, some the lyrics are not our real story and we are sorry if the lyrics make you uncomfortable and if there are some same conditions with yours or the others, it's just coincidence and we don't mean anything. We appreciate all of your comments & like and we thank you all for watching. ^^
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.


(I) fall everytime
(I) hate evening
(I) dislike something
I’m sick of this
(I) fall everytime
(I) hate evening
(I) dislike something
I’m tired of this
My mother left dad for another man
And my dad left me for no reason
It’s a broken home, a broken heart
I can’t even stand this anymore
I realize that I’m always alone
Everyone detest me for some reasons
They say that they care
They love me
Adore me
Admire me
But why?
I feel sad and lonely the entire time
Mom, you’re my everything
Dad’s my everything
They’re my everything
But I don’t quite like them
Forgive me, (I) detest you
I love you, (I) hate you
I miss you
I love you Mom
Because of your care
Because of your love for me
I’m fond of Dad
Because of your strength
Because of your love for me
I love them all
But they don’t love me

I love them all
They drive me crazy
I love them all
I love them all
I love them all
I love them all
It goes round and round
And I always stay like this
I go down and down
But I don’t know you all like this
I always enjoy your hug
I’m into your hold
But why do you forget me
Don’t care about me at all
Just tell me why? Yes, tell me why
Just tell me why? Yes, tell me why
I’m dissappointed with you
Because you left me
I’m now all alone
I’m now all alone

The roses are red
And the skies are blue
But I’m still mad about you
And the cliff is high
And the sea is deep
Now I give love for you to keep
You must know you must know
that I really like ice cream
You must know you must know
that I’m a fan of cooking
I am passionate about fashion
I loathe anything with a bacon
That’s all you must know about your child

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Very ordinary and always want to be better in the eyes of Allah insyaAllah


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